
At Hawk & Eagle Property Consultants, your privacy is paramount to us. Our commitment to safeguarding your personal information is reflected in this privacy policy, which outlines how we collect, use, and disclose your data when you visit our site.


Rest assured, we only collect the information necessary to provide you with the products, quotes, or information you’ve requested or may require. This includes details required by us and/or any partner/associated companies.


Your trust is important to us, and we take the responsibility of handling your personal information seriously. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure your privacy is respected and protected at all times.

Personal Information:

When you register on our website, we may collect your name, address, postcode, telephone number, and email address. This information enables us to keep you informed about additional products and services that may interest you. By submitting your details, you consent to their use as outlined in this policy.

Data Collection:

We collect information to:

  • Identify you on subsequent visits to our website
  • Provide requested services
  • Contact you with relevant information, such as new services or offers from Hawk & Eagle Property Consultants and associated companies or third parties, including financial service providers.

If you wish to update or remove your personal details from our records, or if you no longer wish to receive specific information, please contact us. We’re committed to respecting your preferences and handling your data responsibly.

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